Farmers in India often have large pieces of land surrounded by fences. To check these fences for holes or other defects, it is now necessary for a farmer to go along his fences and manually check everything, which is not always easy and is especially time-consuming. Therefore, Capgemini approached us with a challenge to develop an automated solution for detecting broken fences. In response, we embarked on designing a two-fold AI model: one for fence segmentation and another for assessing fence integrity.
Our initial step was to gather a comprehensive dataset, for which we utilized drone to capture footage of various fences. We manually labeled the drone-captured footage, segmenting the fences in the frames extracted from the videos recorded by the drone. This data served as the foundation to train our convolutional neural network (CNN) - a deep learning model. After extensive experimentation and refinement, we settled on a CNN with the U-net architecture, enhancing its robustness through parameter adjustments and data augmentation.
The effectiveness of our model is evident in a demonstrative video we prepared. It juxtaposes the original footage with a version where the model highlights fences in red, showcasing its precision even around obstacles like foliage obscuring parts of the fences.
With a reliable fence detection model in place, our focus shifted to the second phase: determining fence integrity. We generated a new dataset, labeling each fence as either damaged or undamaged. This dataset then trained a classification model, which remarkably predicted around 90% of the test cases correctly, marking a significant triumph in our proof of concept.
This proof of concept not only demonstrates the prowess of AI in practical applications but also offers Capgemini a cutting-edge tool for efficient and accurate fence maintenance, to make life easier for farmers in India in the future.